Pekepeke-Kiore (Native Lion's Mane)

Getting Started

Day 1

Step 1

Choose a cool spot indoors to grow your kit that has plenty of air movement and is out of direct sunlight e.g. spare bedroom, garage or laundry. Not in a tub or closet.

Pekepeke-Kiore thrives in temperatures between 10-20c.

Step 2

At this stage you will be noticing white sprouts forming across the top of the block.

Do not advance to the steps below until see these sprouts. Please send us a photo if you would like us to check it for you.

Days 2-14

Step 1

Remove the clothes pegs and cut the top of the bag off, 5cm above the filter patch

Do not pull the top of the bag open, let the mushrooms push it open themselves as they mature.

Step 2

Monitor the kit for the next few weeks as the mushrooms begin to grow upward towards the top of the bag.

Do not make any extra cuts in the bag or pull the top down, the bag plays an important role maintaining humidity for the mushrooms.

Days 15-28

Step 1

If your mushrooms are approaching this size and you would like help timing the harvest, please send us a photo.

Step 2

The mushrooms are ready to harvest when growth noticeably slows for a few days and the growth tips start to darken.

Harvest Time!

Step 1

Grab the cluster of mushrooms with both hands and pull it away from the block in one quick motion.

Do not cut it off, pull the entire cluster right out.

Step 2

Once the cluster has been removed, you can store it whole or trim away the sawdust and tear it into sections so that it is ready to be cooked.

We like to store the mushrooms in paper bags or a tub lined with paper towels. The mushrooms will last up to 5 days in the fridge if kept in a plastic container that is lined with paper towels.

Second Crop

Get Ready for Round 2!

Step 1

After harvesting is complete, remove any leftover debris from the top and sides of the block. Shaking out any loose pieces afterwards.

The second crop can take anywhere from 14-28 days to sprout.

Step 2

Monitor your kit for the next couple of weeks and watch as it begins to regenerate.

If you notice any green or black growth at this point please send us a photo and we will be able to help.

Step 3

Sprouts may appear around the edges of the bag first. Do not be tempted to open the bag any further, they will grow towards the top on their own.

Step 4

Harvest the second crop when the majority of caps have flattened and opened up. Once complete, you can repeat the steps above and try for a third!

Once the bag has stopped producing, it can be composted or used as a top-mulch for you garden beds. Worms love it!