
Our grow kits are all guaranteed to grow!

Please check for damage on arrival (cracks in the substrate) and start the process below within 24 hours. If you need to delay growing the kit, the box can be refrigerated until you are ready to use it.

If you suspect damage has occurred or your kit has not sprouted within a week, please message us via the contact form on our website.

If you or someone you live with has a mushroom allergy or intolerance, it is best to grow the kit in a room that is not frequented.

What you'll need

Sharp blade

Indoor location

Clear plastic tub

Day 1 - Getting Started

Shiitake Mushroom Grow Kit

step 1

Put the kit into your fridge overnight, the cold shock helps to initiate mushroom growth.

step 2

Once the kit has been chilled overnight, remove it from the fridge and give it a few firm smacks, this is another technique used to help initiate mushroom growth.

step 3

Carefully remove the block from the bag.

It is best to do this over a sink or outside as some juices will leak out.

step 4

Choose a warm spot indoors to for the tub to sit in that has plenty of air movement and is out of direct sunlight e.g. the kitchen bench, lounge or bathroom.

Do not leave them near a heater in winter or an air conditioner in the summer as these can dry the mushrooms out.

Days 2-7

Shiitake Mushroom Sprouting

step 1

Place the block inside the clear plastic tub and put the lid on leaving a gap of 1-2 centimetres to allow some airflow. Place the block upright, with the smooth surface on the bottom. The block will need to stay in the tub for its entire growth cycle to prevent it from drying out.

The 27L Sistema Tubs are the perfect size. We would not recommend any smaller as the mushrooms need space to grow. 

The best way to check if the tub is set up correctly is by looking for a small amount of condensation being present on the walls of the tub. If you do not notice any after the first 24 hours, slide the lid shut a fraction more.  

The lid should not be left in a raised position, only slid to the side as pictured. If the lid is left raised there will be too much air flowing through the tub and the block will dry out.

step 2

Keep an eye on the kit over the next week. You should see your first sprouts within seven days. A few days earlier in the warmer months, or longer in the cooler months can be expected.

Please send us a picture via the contact page on our if you do not have sprouts appearing after 7 days.

Days 8-15

Shiitake Mushroom Grow Kit

step 1

Success! The first sprouts are now popping up. Keep a close eye on them now as the growth will be very quick. Depending on the time of year, it can be anywhere from 3-7 days. 

Harvest Time!

Shiitake Mushroom

step 1

We find our best results come from harvesting the mushrooms in stages as they mature individually.

The mushrooms are ready to harvest when the caps start to open and are no longer rounded on the edges. You can see several stages of maturity in the photo above. 

step 2

Carefully cut the mushrooms from the block as they mature. Avoid pulling them off as this will damage the block and mushrooms that are left growing. 

Not all mushrooms will get to be the same size when they are ready to harvest so be careful to watch for the caps opening. 

Shiitake Mushroom Harvest

step 3

After all mushrooms have been cut off the block, move the block outdoors to a shaded location and a few mushrooms may sprout after a good rainfall. 

Alternatively, crumble the contents to use as a top-mulch in the garden. Worms love the mycelium!